Clients and Partners
Creating a movement of change and transformation in our communities and systems requires many individuals, non-profits, businesses, elected officials and government agencies.
Our clients and partners all connect with People Builders' framing belief that for people to change, the systems must change. And, for the systems to change, the people running them must change!
Our relationships with our clients and partners require mutual respect, authenticity and a collective vision of equity for all.
People Builders is grateful to be leading a community of change with these organizations.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
PARTNERS (funding and community)
Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center
Anne Arundel County Adult Drug Treatment Court
Anne Arundel Women Giving Together
D Ryans Coaching and Consulting
Eastport United Methodist Church
First Christian Community Church of Annapolis
SURJ3A Showing Up for Racial Justice Anne Arundel & Annapolis
Tenacious Transformations, LLC
United Way of Central Maryland
(Note all links are enabled to organizations above)